Whilst the Parks wildlife numbers are on the increase they are in their infancy and sightings can be limited – although the Park does offer a large variety of game including all species, with the exception of rhino, that are found in neighbouring KNP. Most regular larger mammal game sightings include elephant, buffalo, impala, zebra, wildebeest, giraffe, kudu.
Since the formation of the park and the dropping of strategically selected sections of the border fence with Kruger National Park, wildlife has been steadily moving back into LNP. In addition, over 4700 animals have been relocated to the south western parts of LNP.
As a result the best Game viewing areas are the western parts and along the Shingwedzi valley. The eastern sandveld and 4x4 trails will however also experience regular sightings such as of kudu, nyala an other smaller antelope.
The Park also has a diverse birdlife and approximately 49 species of fish in Massingir Dam.