How to get here


Giriyondo Border Gate

This is a formal border gate situated between LNP and KNP (1 hour northeast of Letaba). From 1 April to 30 September:  Opens 08h00; closes 15h00 From 1 October to 31 March:    Opens 08h00; closes 16h00

Pafuri Border Gate

This is a formal border gate situated in the north of LNP and KNP. The road between Pafuri and Mapai falls within the Buffer Zone and Park entrance fees are only payable at Mapai Gate. Gate hours throughout the year:  08h00 – 16h00

Massingir Park Entrance Gate

Massingir gate is located in the south of the Park in close proximity to Albufeira Camp and the Park Headquarters Gate hours throughout the year:  06h00 – 22h00

Mapai Park Entrance Gate

Mapai gate is located in the east of the Park in close proximity to Nhampfule and Mamba pan camps and about 2 ½ hours south of Pafuri border post. Note: The Limpopo river crossing to travel eastward to Banhine and Zinave National Park  is seasonal and can be made by 4×4 in very low water conditions. A rustic community ferry can alternatively be used to cross the river except in strong flowing conditions. Gate hours throughout the year:  06h00 – 18h00

Traveling within the Park

get here gates

The main access road between Giriyondo and Massingir, including access to Campismo Albufeira is a gravel road and is accessible by sedan, however offroad type vehicles are preferable. All other roads require a high ground clearance or 4×4 vehicle, with a 4×4 vehicle being essential during the wet season. As roads are not well developed and signposted, it is also advisable to make use of a GPS when traveling through the centre of the Park.

All visitors are expected to comply with the Park Rules including Obeying the 40km/hr speed limit; Not littering and being courteous Wildlife, Fellow Visitors and Communities within the Park.

The distance between Giriyondo and Massingir is 70km and will take the visitor approximately 2 hours. The road has speed bumps and elephants frequently use the road so travel with care. The Giriyondo border post has a compulsory overnight rule in either LNP, KNP or one of the approved neighbouring community or conservation lodges.