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Experience the Limpopo National Park

The Limpopo National Park, located in the district of Massingir, in the Province of Gaza, was established through the collaboration of the Government with the Peace Parks Foundation, in 2001. Together with the border areas of South Africa and Zimbabwe, it forms the Area Greater Limpopo Cross-Border.


Visitors to Limpopo National Park will appreciate that the Park is still under development and while game sightings will be less regular than in neighbouring Kruger National Park, the Park is best appreciated for its largely unspoilt wilderness.

Since the dropping of strategically selected sections of the border fence with KNP, wildlife has been steadily moving back into LNP (further fenceline sections will continue to be strategically dropped as agreed between South Africa and Mozambique).

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Contact: Tourism Officer - Lodovico Salinha
Mobile: (+258) 84 3011 719