The Park also has a network of 4×4 trails and dry camps however it is best to enquire with the tourism office on the status and availability of these camps.

This unfenced camp is positioned in the sandveld overlooking a seasonal pan near Mapai gate and is also a very basic camp with water supply, showers and toilets.

This is on our boundary in the north at Mapai Gate. It is also a very basic camp with water supply, showers and toilets.

A concession agreement has been signed with a reputable operator for the development of a variety of high end tourism facilities which plan to be developed from around 2027 onwards on completion of the development phase of the Park. This agreement includes Machampane camp for which plans are under development for its upgrade and re-opening.

This camp is preferred by transit travelers and is situated at Massingir Gate. The camp is close to the dam wall and has 11 chalets comprising – 4 x 2-bed wooden chalets and 1 x 4-bed plus 6 x 2-bed reed chalets. Each chalet has with an en-suite bathroom and open plan kitchenette an come … Continue reading Albufeira Camp