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On 17 April 2013, the Permanent Secretary of the southern province of Gaza, Francisca Maluana Cadaslamba, on behalf of the Governor and of Limpopo National Park, handed a cheque to the park communities for their 20% share of the park’s 2012 financial year revenues.

The sharing of conservation revenues with communities, in accordance with Mozambique’s law 10/99 on Forestry and Wildlife, ensures that the benefits of conservation reach communities, thereby engendering collective support towards the successful development of the protected area, in this instance Limpopo National Park.

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The ceremony was held in Chibotane village in the Massingir district. The cheque for 1 064 512 Meticais was handed to members of the Limpopo National Park Community Management Committee, which will distribute the funds equally to each of the three districts in the park and will ensure that the funding is used to the benefit of the communities and towards the park’s conservation objectives.

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